Parksville-Qualicum Fish & Game Association

Parksville-Qualicum Fish & Game Association

About PQF&G

About Us

Parksville-Qualicum Fish & Game Association has a wonderful history of conservation in the Oceanside area and beyond and continues to protect our local environment and promote sustainable outdoor recreation for all members of our community.

Club History

Some significant events in our history:

First recorded mention of the club in action against commercial fishing in Englishman River.

Club members guide and assist Fisheries Officers to stock Vancouver Island lakes with trout.

The Qualicum club was formed.
For several years the Parksville club hosts the National Gun Dog Championship with over 2500 attendees.

The club initiated the local Salmon Derby.
The club worked with local authorities to close the beaches to duck hunting.
Responsibility for the annual Brant count was undertaken by the club.

The first local Search and Rescue Group was formed by club members.
Construction of the Dorman Range facility began.

The rifle range at Chattell Road,subsequently renamed The Henry Range,was built.

The Parksville and Qualicum clubs merged and a new constitution was adopted.
Custodial duties for the Peace Abide Nature Park were assumed by the club.
The Beach Creek Restoration Project was completed.
The Marion Baker Salmon Hatchery was officially opened.

The French Creek Harbour Management Authority was established with one board member appointed from the club. Our representative is currently the president of the Harbour Authority.
Major improvements were made at both ranges to keep in step with rapidly changing firearms regulations.

As the new century unfolds, the club intends to continue its support of outdoor sports and to take on more and larger conservation projects.

Below you will find the link to our new constitution and by-laws approved by special resolution on Feb 28, 2017 and duly certified as received by BC Societies Registry.

Nature Trust
Conservation1 Club member and past president Len Fong presenting a cheque for $1000.00 to Tim Clermont, the Wetlands manager for the Nature Trust of British Columbia. This PQFG donation will be used to help pay down the Nature Trust debt related to the purchase of the block 602 land.

2001 - Greater Georgia Basin Steelhead Recovery Plan

The Steelhead recovery plan was initiated in 2001 by the MWLAP together with the BC Conservation Foundation and funded by the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund. One objective is to increase nutrient levels in streams and rivers where logging, clearing of vegetation and absence of wildlife have reduced the runoff of nutrients into the water to almost zero. These nutrients are the food for the survival of the whole ecosystem in the stream, from algae to insects to fish.

Club member volunteers take Chum salmon which have died naturally after spawning in the Big and Little Qualicum Rivers and deliver them to the riparian areas of less viable parts of local streams. As these fish decay, they release valuable nutrients into the water in the most natural way possible, thus helping these partially dead areas come back to life.

Building Bridges

Building Bridges

The bridge above was built with major contributions from B.C.Hydro, The Habitat Conservation Trust Fund and The Nature Trust, plus support from local businesses. Club member volunteers supplied the labour to put it all together. It crosses Craig Creek and makes the Peace Abide nature trust wheelchair accessible. This is an 8-acre natural park full of wildlife and 100-year-old trees, with Craig Creek running through it. The club has been custodian of the park for over 20 years.

Salmon Hatchery on French Creek.

Salmon Fry feeding programs on French Creek, Morningstar Creek and ponds.

The club participates in the National Pitch-in Program. This is the largest conservation program in Canada in which more than 1.5 million Canadians unite annually to clean up recreation areas in their local neighbourhoods.

Two local students receive bursaries to help further their education in studies related to the environment.

The club is now proposing to the authorities, a major recovery project for the Dudley Marsh, an extensive local wetland, which is a rearing area for Coho fry and a holding area for French Creek water. 2011 - Watershed Monitoring

RDN Stewardship Group Water Quality Network Monitoring Program

The MOE and the RDN are working with local stewardship groups to monitor water quality in our rivers.

The following groups are involved – Mid Vancouver Island Habitat Enhancement Society (MVIHES), Friends of French Creek Conservation Society (FFCCS), Parksville-Qualicum Fish and Game Association, Nanaimo and Area Land Trust (NALT), Qualicum Beach Stream keepers, and Nile Creek Enhancement Society.

The groups use simple, high quality monitoring equipment to monitor rivers during late summer and early fall. The MOE trains volunteers and the RDN provides the monitoring equipment.

The idea is to do water quality monitoring in a number of rivers in our area on the same day. It is to assess the effectiveness of water management within the RDN, as well as impacts to watershed health. The information will be used to guide watershed priorities and planning for the future.

Data is presented and compared when applicable to existing BC water quality guidelines or objectives. The data collected measures:

Turbidty – measures clarity of water. High values are associated with higher levels of contaminants

Temperature – If too warm not aesthetically pleasing to drink and can affect health and survival of aquatic organisms]

Dissolved Oxygen – if too low can affect health and survival of aquatic organisms]

Conductivity – the more dissolved ions in the water the greater the electrical conductivity. Dilution decreases conductivity but groundwater influences or sediment introduced in water can increase it.

The monitoring is being conducted on five days over 30 days of monitoring in the low-flow period. That’s just the first part of the program, however.

The monitoring is set to be conducted twice per year, once in the low flow and once in the high flow periods, in order to get an idea of the general state of the rivers involved.

A total of 26 different sites in 9 different watersheds were monitored in 2011, the pilot year of the program.

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