Parksville-Qualicum Fish & Game Association

Parksville-Qualicum Fish & Game Association

Henry Pistol Range

Henry Pistol Range

Pistol and .22 Rifle

Located on Chattell Road, adjacent to the rifle range, this is a federally certified and licenced 30-metre range. The completely covered shooting position makes this an all weather range.

Up to 10 shooters can be accommodated at one time.
Includes a three-position, steel-backed, reactive target range.
For after shoot bull sessions and lies about how many grains of powder were used, a small comfortable club room with coffee is available.

Range Access

  • To obtain access to the handgun range you must have purchased a current membership and have paid the yearly range fee of $35, which gives you a gate key.
  • New PQFG members requesting a key for the Henry Range gate access need to be sponsored by a Henry Range key holder or the the Care Taker and produce a valid PAL.
  • New range users must receive a range orientation from the the Care Taker.
  • Non-members may use the range when accompanied and sponsored by a member who has paid the range fees (has a key).
  • Guests of members/and members without keys attending the range with a key-holding member must purchase a daily range pass:
    $20.00 non members
    $10.00 member.
  • Passes are available on site with instructions.
  • Should no passes be available, please attend the resident on site (mobile home) and purchase them there.

Range schedule

Winter Hours

September 14 to March 31
9:00 am to 4:30 pm.

Summer Hours

April 1st to September 15
9:00 am to 8:00 pm.


  • Easter Sunday
  • Remembrance Day November 11
  • Christmas Day
  • 50 Yard Range closed every Thursday from 9:00am to noon for RCMP.
  • Family .22 rifle shoot 1st Saturday of the month 10 am until noon (approx.). See shoot description below.
  • A .22 Handgun Silhouette Shoot is held on the last Sunday of the month from 10 am till 1pm. See shoot description below.
  • A duty pistol shoot is held the fourth Saturday of the month from 10 am till noon. See shoot description below.
  • A black powder shoot is held on the 2nd Saturday of the month between 10am and noon.
The range is closed for shooting to non-participants for all organised events although we welcome those that wish to come and spectate. Please bring your eye and ear protection which must be worn at all times when on the range.

Handgun Range Rules and Etiquette - Revised 2017

  • All shooters must sign in the log book.
  • No alcohol or drugs.
  • Respect the range property and clean up after yourself.
  • No sustained rapid fire.
  • All visitors or guests using a restricted or prohibited firearm(s) must be accompanied by a PQFG member with a range key.
  • No exploding targets (tannerite, etc.)
  • Guests must sign the log book with their day pass number.
  • No centre-fire rifles allowed.
  • Obey Range Officer. The first person on the range shall be the range officer. When they depart a new person shall be delegated.
  • Eye & Ear protection is mandatory.
  • Keep firearms pointed down range.
  • Use approved targets only. Any targets other than paper must be placed in the steel pit. Use of glass, garbage, or rocks for targets is not permitted.
  • Check the line and ask for permission to go forward.
  • During a cease-fire, all shooters must stay behind the YELLOW line, except for setting up or checking targets.
  • No handling any firearm when anyone is forward of the firing line.
  • All firearms when not in use or during ceasefire shall be unloaded, actions open and magazines out. A loaded firearm has ammunition in either the breech or the magazine (if the magazine is attached to or inserted into the firearm, see Firearms Act regulations). The Range considers an encased firearm to be one which is either boxed or holstered.

Any unsafe acts or violations of posted range rules and etiquette will result in a loss of range privileges for a period of time.

.22 cal Rifle Fun Shoot (metal silhouettes)

This family-oriented event involves shooting off-hand with a partner at metal silhouettes at 30 metres.

Numbers are drawn to determine your partner and there are seven stations of 10 targets each of varying values.

Each shooter is allowed five shots.

After every team has shot all the stations, there is a break for coffee and snacks. Then there is a second round.

Cost is $3.

PQFG Monthly "Duty" Pistol Shoot

Based on "police-style" training, the duty pistol match involves shooting at police-style silhouette targets from ranges between three to 25 yards and timed between two seconds per stage up to 90 seconds per stage.

Shooters may use either double-action revolvers or semi-auto pistols (no magnums please).

Revolver shooters should have at least two speed-loaders and semi-auto shooters should have at least three magazines.

Shooters must have holsters. No cross-draw or shoulder holsters are allowed as per safety regulations.

Ammunition required is 90 rounds.

The match runs every fourth Saturday morning starting at 10.

Cost per shooter is $4 which includes targets and refreshments.

For further information contact Bob at 250-752-9366.

.22 Handgun Silhouette Shoot

The last Sunday of the month finds .22 handgun shooters meeting at the range for a fun morning of silhouette shooting.

Safety is always paramount.

Shooters fire from 35 yards at reactive steel targets in sets of 10 from seven different stations. We shoot at 70 targets, have a coffee break, and return to re-shoot the entire course, for a total of 140 rounds.

Cost is $3 per shooter to cover target maintenance and refreshments.

Open sights are preferred, but you won't be turned away with any sight you have (optics).

Shooting starts at 10 am. Hope to see you there.

Black Powder Fun Shoot

This shooting event is scheduled for the 2nd Saturday every month from 10 am to noon at the Henry Pistol Range.
  • This shoot is shot with muzzleloading rifles only.
  • Twenty-five shots are fired at a set of targets.
  • The targets and the line of fire vary from shoot to shoot to add variety to the shoot.
Knife and axe throwing are also included.

If you are into black powder shooting come out and join us. Dressing up in period haute-couture is highly encouraged.

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