Parksville-Qualicum Fish & Game Association

Parksville-Qualicum Fish & Game Association

May 14, 2023
Trap and Skeet 5 Stand Shoot (No Skeet)
May 14, 2023
Category:Dorman Range
Date:May 14, 2023
Location:Dorman Range

Dorman Range - Trap and Skeet 5 Stand Shoot (No Skeet)

What is a Trap and Skeet 5 Stand Shoot..?

There are five stations, or stands and six to eight strategically placed clay target throwers(called traps). Each station will have a menu card that lets the shooter know the sequence of targets. The shooter is presented with 5 targets at each station, first a single bird followed by a "report pair," in which the second bird will be launched after the shooter fires at the first; then "true pair" when both birds launch at the same time. After shooting at the 5 birds on the menu at that station, the shooter proceeds to the next stand, where they find a new menu of 5 targets.
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